In Memoriam
Paul F. petrecz
November 18, 1946 - July 10, 1977
Paul was a U.S. Navy Seal Vietnam veteran who served Honorably from August 30, 1966 to February 27, 1970. Paul was even one of the select few to aid in the recovery of the Apollo 9 capsule. When that capsule landed in the Atlantic Ocean in 1969, Paul was one of three Navy Seals who dove into the ocean to attach lines to the space craft during the recovery operation.
On July 10, 1977, Paul was on of over 30 divers from a four-county area who took part in the search of a drowned person at Muddy Run Lake in Lancaster.
Unfortunately, sometime during the search for the victim, Paul got entangled in a guide rope and ran out of air while searching in low visibility conditions some 40-50 feet below the surface of the lake.
Paul Petrecz was a 6-year member of Harmonville’s Rescue Team. He was employed full time at the King of Prussia division of Merch, Sharp & Dohme, was married and the father of a son and daughter.